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From Dr. G’s Newsletter // May 1st, 2009:

Everybody was aware of Auntie’s escape escapades. For some reason, Auntie would try to take Micki, whom we call “fly girl” with her. On one attempt she told Micki, “Come on we can get away now!” because Dr. Deborah (the guard) was fast asleep on the sofa. When Micki left, I knew I had to have an alarm system in place. The alarm system was devised from items found at the Dollar Store: one pack of bungee cords and two large Christmas bells—’twas the season. The doorway entrance had stone flooring, the dining room chairs were wood, and the wood made a loud scraping noise when dragged across the flooring—really any movement by the chair on the flooring was loud. I snuggly bungee-corded one chair and bell to the door handle, then I bungee-corded a second chair to the first chair. The cord with the bell was placed tightly around the leg of each chair and it was placed where it couldn’t easily be seen. When tested, the noise could have raised the dead. I knew Ms. Sneak could not get out without raising a commotion. Then I went to sleep, soundly.